by Michael Rubinstein | May 16, 2018 | SEO
If you know your way around SEO, then the words “Google algorithm update” are probably the bane of your existence.
Of course, if you know SEO, you also know that SEO and digital marketing will change your business for the better. Which means you’re stuck weathering the storm of algorithm changes.
Here, we’re walking you through a few key updates, the most recent changes to Google’s search formula, and what you can do to keep your SEO evergreen (and Google-proof).
A Few Updates You’ve Heard Of
Before we talk about some newer updates to the twenty miles of code that is the Google algorithm, let’s talk about a few updates you’ve probably heard of before.
Why? Because refreshing these better-known updates is a good reminder of where we stand with the almighty Google algorithm (and what we’re changing when we talk about new updates).
If you’re already doing SEO best practices, you’re already optimizing with these updates in mind and you’re getting the Google gold star.
And for those of you who were late to the party and still aren’t catering your SEO tactics to these updates, this is your cue. Get cracking.
If you know a thing or two about SEO, you know about the Panda update, better known to some as the time Google updated its algorithm to reflect its ongoing war with content farms and spam sites.
Understandably, it had some people freaking out because their SEO scores tanked overnight.
Panda was designed to reduce the ranking of low-quality sites–sites that provide little value for users. These include sites that copy and paste content, provide spammy content, or use pages that jump you somewhere else.
But Panda was also designed to raise the ranking of high-quality sites. Panda defined this as sites with in-depth, well-researched articles, original content, and thorough analysis.
Basically, Panda was intended to boost the content you actually want to find when you log onto the Internet while cutting back the spam. Sounds like a pretty good deal, right?
Unless you’re one of the spammy or black-hat SEO sites in question. Then, not so much.
Even if you weren’t in SEO quite long enough to hear of Panda, you’ve probably heard of the Penguin update.
Which is good news, because Penguin is more or less a smarter, leaner extension of Panda.
Picking up where Panda left off, Penguin in its most current form evaluates the quality of sites in real time in order to continue promoting good content over bad.
Then, there’s the Hummingbird update. Or, if you prefer, that other time Google freaked everyone out with a massive overhaul of their algorithm.
Picture an old car engine that’s been tweaked and refined with new parts and clever engineering. That’s what Panda and Penguin were to the algorithm. Hummingbird is essentially an entirely new engine.
This update was designed to consider the fact that many people now use voice search on their phones, or otherwise type a query into the search bar that sounds exactly like how they talk.
Among the many things Hummingbird does, one of the big ones is conversational search–basically, it’s making the algorithm better equipped to recognize conversational terms and understand the nuances of a search term.
For SEO people, this meant a stronger emphasis on conversational, natural-sounding keywords (while still retaining the quality of content).
The Fred Update
Finally, our last big player in Google’s never-ending war on bad content is the jokingly-titled Fred update.
Technically, Fred isn’t one Google search algorithm update but rather a collection of related updates under the umbrella of Fred.
According to Google, they are now classing all updates to their core algorithm under the umbrella of “Fred” and not announcing individual updates as they once did with Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird.
The long and the short of it is this: Fred targets low-quality content, especially those sites with the exclusive goal of revenue generation rather than the creation of genuinely useful content.
Fun fact: the most recent updates to Google’s core algorithm can be classified under Fred.
Some Recent Google Algorithm Updates
So, where does that leave us in 2018 with the most recent Google algorithm update?
A lot of interesting places.
Here, we’re covering a few months of algorithm updates before we get to the most recent update.
Why? Because, much like landing in the middle of the ocean with a boat, it helps to have a compass (or, in this case, context). After all, the updates build on each other–you won’t know where your SEO growth is going if you don’t know where you’ve been.
October 2017
While October wasn’t necessarily an SEO big-hitter, there were a few Google algorithm changes worth noting.
Specifically, Google announced that Chrome would show a “Not Secure” warning when users entered data into an HTTP page instead of an HTTPS page.
Is it specifically related to SEO? No, not exactly. But it’s a clear message from the Google algorithm: HTTPS is preferred, for the happiness of you, your customers, and Google.
November 2017
Genuine SEO updates started to pick up again in November as Google turned its attention to snippets.
Snippets are one of the little details that often bugger would-be search marketers. Essentially, they were 160-character descriptions of your site for a search engine to display.
If you think you can’t possibly describe your web page in 160 characters, don’t worry. 160 is no longer the hard limit.
Google toyed with increasing the character limit to 250 or 300 for many years. In November, they confirmed that snippet length had officially increased–good news for websites and searchers alike.
December 2017
Tis the season to be jolly. Unless you were guilty of spammy content. Then you were staring down the barrel of a rough holiday season in 2017.
December updates went after two specific targets: spammy backlinks and thin content.
Part of the December updates, according to speculation, was designed to go after private blog networks (PBNs). PBNs are a shady SEO technique in which groups of sites link back and forth to each other to trick Google bots into believing they have more domain authority than they actually do.
Basically, they’re a golden ticket to blackballing.
On the other hand are spammy content sites, which are roughly defined as sites with a bad content-to-ad ratio (more ads and monetization than actual meat).
Other red flags on this front include:
- Automatically generated content
- Keyword stuffing
- Irrelevant content
- Uninformative content
- Doorway pages
If you were engaging in black hat SEO in 2017, December was not your month.
January 2018
We entered January with a clarion call for mobile optimization.
In fact, the first algorithm update of the year announced mobile page speed as a ranking factor.
Now, if you know SEO, you know that Google has prioritized page speed for some time, even on a desktop computer. This year, with the inclusion of mobile page speed as a ranking factor, Google announced their commitment to mobile as the next major frontier of search.
As such, if sites weren’t paying attention to page speed–especially on mobile–they were destined to be left behind.
February 2018
February wasn’t a big month, but it nonetheless came with updates.
While Google did not officially announce an update, there was a spike in volatility across tools (which generally signals that an update has occurred).
March 2018
March involved three major updates: the Brackets core update, the zero-result SERP test, and the mobile-first index.
Google did not officially confirm any updates or what was changed in the Brackets core update, but the volatility spikes did indicate that an update occurred.
It was more forthcoming about the zero-result SERP test, which was an experiment Google tried and tabled for the time being. Basically, Google removed organic search results for questions with definitive answers, like “What time is it in Los Angeles?”
A week later, it gave up on the experiment, at least for now. But keep your eyes open for an update along these lines in the future, because it’s in the minds of the Google developers.
Then, there’s the mobile-first index, which is the most important of the three.
In this update, Google changed their algorithm to reflect the majority of their searchers–namely, users who search on their phones. The mobile-first index gives higher ranking to those sites who prioritize mobile optimization.
That’s not to say that you need a mobile website to rank well–if you don’t have a mobile website, the bots will crawl your desktop site instead.
The point of the update is that Google is prioritizing mobile over a desktop, which means that you should too. In other words, you should be taking the necessary steps to ensure that when searchers find your site on mobile, it will work just as well as if they found it on a computer.
April 2018
Finally, we come to the most recent month of updates.
As of April 20th, Google announced that they rolled out a major core algorithm update.
This update, as with most post-Fred updates, wasn’t named and outlined. Rather than punishing certain sites for SEO practices, this update instead seeks to reward sites that Google views as under-rewarded in previous updates.
As before, Google has emphasized that sites should not be thinking about completely overhauling their SEO strategy. Instead, they should focus their energies on continuing to create great content based on good long-term SEO practices.
Which Ones Should You Worry About?
This brings us to our next relevant question: in the never-ending roller coaster of Google updates, which ones should you worry most about?
The short answer? All of them.
The long answer? You shouldn’t be worried about the semantics of individual updates–you should be worried about making your SEO Google-proof.
You see, Google updates their algorithm somewhere between 500-600 times per year. They don’t announce many of the changes or specify what exactly is changing between each update.
As such, it doesn’t do you much good to fret about tricking individual updates into boosting your SEO score. The truth is, the algorithm changes too often for such a practice to be worth your while.
Instead, you should be focusing on SEO tactics that will serve you well even in the face of 500 new Google updates.
What the Changes Teach You About SEO
If anything, these changes reinforce the constantly shifting nature of SEO.
After all, wasn’t it just the other day that keyword stuffing was considered a valid SEO practice?
Plus, the updates happen so often and with such varying degrees of impact that it’s impossible to know which ones could help or hinder your site, and it certainly isn’t productive to treat every individual update as the next Penguin or Hummingbird.
You don’t want SEO that lives and dies by the next Google update. You want SEO that outlives the next 100 Google updates.
Making Your SEO Google-Proof
How do you make your SEO Google-proof?
By creating great content.
Regardless of the specific updates, Google has performed on their algorithm, one thing has remained consistent across changes: Google is always teaching their algorithm how to identify truly good content.
What makes good content in the eyes of the almighty Google?
Content that is informative, well-researched, balanced, and genuinely useful to consumers.
Remember, these updates are ultimately designed to create a better user experience on Google. After all, Google is a business. If they can get more satisfied customers, they can have more return customers.
And users tend to turn to Google when they want an answer to a question of some kind.
So if you want to rank well, it’s time to do your homework on what questions your customers are asking and figure out how to answer them in the best way possible.
Smarter SEO for 2018
The SEO of 2018 is SEO that’s smarter than the latest Google algorithm update. It knows that the key to great SEO is great content that will survive the test of time.
Of course, creating that content and optimizing it properly is a time-consuming process.
That’s where we come in. We’re SEO experts who know how to help you conquer the many challenges of SEO and digital marketing, even with every new update that Google throws our way.
Ready to take your SEO to the next level? Get in touch with us today.
by Michael Rubinstein | Mar 1, 2018 | SEO
SEO for Growth: What You Need to Know
Does your business need some improvement? Here’s why every business should use SEO for growth.
Most professionals understand the basics of SEO. But how familiar are you with leveraging SEO for growth? Your next SEO initiative might be the growth driver you’re missing.
Getting started with SEO isn’t complicated. Even small companies have expertise in this area. But most companies aren’t aligning SEO performance with their business growth.
Attribution is what drives key business decisions. But SEO is often neglected as a contributor to the bottom line. Companies end up launching rudderless SEO campaigns that add little to no value.
Using SEO for growth can become a powerful asset for driving business value. Organic search outperforms other marketing channels. SEO is more cost-effective than other marketing efforts as well.
The beginning of any growth framework is acquisition. Companies must invest in solutions that contribute to this growth factor. They must attribute and measure the performance of those solutions as well.
5 Ways SEO Adds Business Value
Your company needs an acquisition strategy. The bulk of your marketing initiatives will focus on acquiring new customers. These initiatives are often the most costly within your marketing strategy.
SEO is a practical way to drive acquisitions through organic traffic. It costs less than content and email marketing, for example. The following are five ways you can count on SEO for growth.
1. It Helps You Engage with Relevant Audiences
Engaging the “right” audience is an ongoing struggle for businesses. Even ambitious marketing initiatives can fall on deaf ears. Companies often invest in Big Data technologies to master these techniques.
SEO lets your ideal customers do the work for you. You can develop refined SEO so that you get only desirable traffic. Organic leads have a 14.6% conversion rate versus only 1.7% through direct mail and advertising.
Why is this the case? You will have built your business with a specific audience in mind. These are prospects most likely to convert into customers.
Targeting them with aggressive campaigns is challenging. You need ample data and processing technologies to proceed. But you can leverage your existing insights to use SEO for growth.
Partner with us and share the qualities of your ideal customers. You should build character personas for each type of ideal customer. We will optimize your website for these types of searchers.
Now only does your ideal customers arrive on your site. These visitors are easier to convert than visitors from email campaigns. Your proactive campaigns won’t provide clarity as with someone searching themselves.
2. It Helps You Develop Greater Credibility and Prestige
Inbound and outbound links are two more ways to leverage SEO for growth. Outbound links are links on your website that direct to prestigious websites. Inbound links are on other websites and direct traffic to your own.
You get better search results when you have ample inbound and outbound links. Search engines recognize this as a form of acknowledgment. They determine that your site is more credible than similar ones.
This provides a great advantage over competitors. If your site has plenty of inbound links, ideal customers will see you first in search results. That rich organic traffic will come to you first.
What’s more, it builds prestige for your site and your business. Imagine if reputable websites link to your pages. Experts that respect those sites will regard you as an expert.
Developing inbound links is not simple. You must have exceptional, value-added content. That means other experts who visit your site must regard your resources as credible.
As you will learn, content is an essential part of SEO as well. The words and language you choose are as important as all other aspects of your site.
3. You’ll Know When Using SEO for Growth That “Content is King”
In the parlance of the web, “Content is King.” Bill Gates popularized this phrase over 20 years ago. If you ask your colleagues they’ll say it still holds true today.
Your SEO expert will help you with key elements of your content. The criteria for optimized content changes with Google’s algorithms. But they always comprise keywords, and links, word count.
Years ago, companies would spam search engines by repeating keywords on their sites. Search engines are far more advanced today. They determine if those touchpoints are valid within the context of your writing.
Now, content is revolutionizing all B2B and B2C verticals. Content marketing is the centerpiece of inbound marketing. It’s now a key component of using SEO for growth.
Inbound marketing means using value-added content to generate interest in your company. This is not ad or sales copy. They are materials that provide immediate value to prospects with no strings attached.
Value-added content is popular with both search engines and reputable websites. Your ideal visitors will appreciate the added value right away. With the right call to action, they’re more likely to convert.
4. You’ll Know How to Supercharge Performance Using Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing (SEM) is more proactive than traditional SEO. Leverage formal advertising channels that live in the world of search engines. Remarketing, PPC, and display advertising all give you all new ways to use SEO for growth.
Display advertising lets you use other sites’ SEO to your advantage. Your ads will appear only on sites frequented by your audiences. Demographics, keywords, and budget all come into play.
PPC ads boost your search engine rankings. You’ll always appear the top of relevant searches. But those searching will know your listing is an ad.
This doesn’t always deter searchers for visiting. Your services will still be relevant to their search. And they’re almost guaranteed to see your business when they do.
PPC ads are affordable as well. You only pay for actual clicks on your ad. You can limit the number of clicks you receive to save money.
Remarketing is now a popular SEO strategy. It’s a means to nurture leads that have already visited your site. You can engage them with specialized ads across millions of websites and devices.
In all cases, be sure to measure the results. Determine attribution and from where each conversion arrived. You can’t succeed using SEO for growth if you’re not measuring performance.
You can optimize your SEM campaign as you learn what works and what doesn’t. An SEM expert can help you get a lean and effective solution. In each case, managing performance is key to using SEO for growth.
5. You Can Establish Your Foundation for Future Success
Search engines will pick up on your traffic and changes to your website. Some improvements to usability will increase your ranking. Link building strategies will add SEO value as well.
Your goal is to become the ‘go to’ website in your field. You’ll have greater acquisition opportunities and positive engagement with less effort.
Remember that optimization is an ongoing process. You will not have great content and navigation right away. But professionals can help you maximize your use of SEO for growth.
8 Steps to Leveraging SEO for Growth
You’ll achieve the best results by partnering with an SEO pro. But there are some basic steps that will maximize SEO business value. Here are eight steps to prepare your website SEO for growth.
1. Identify Your Target Audience
You know your business better than anyone. You’ve designed a product or service that fills certain needs. But have you thought about the other qualities of your ideal customers?
You need to a holistic view of them to engage them That includes demographics, age, and professions. It might include specific tastes, pain points, and other factors.
Create personas with the details of your ideal customers. Create several models that make the most sense of for your business. Knowing who you will best serve will help you create SEO for growth.
2. Get to Know Your Competitors
You can’t distinguish yourself without knowing your competitors. This applies when carrying out SEO as well. Find the things that differentiate you from the competition.
Competitors in the same space as you have advantages and disadvantages. Focus on the advantages you have over them. This might be a superior product or lower prices.
You can leverage those benefits in developing your SEO. Prepare those details when you partner with a professional. Establishing this up front will increase its long-term quality.
3. Research Keywords
Companies often fail to choose the best keywords for their websites. That’s because they take a haphazard approach. They spend only a short period of time deciding which are best.
You can develop keywords using your personas and distinctions. This should be language your customers will latch onto right away. They should be the first words prospects type into a search engine.
Create a list of keywords and prioritize them. Work with your SEO expert to use them throughout your site. On-page and on-page SEO strategies will incorporate your keywords.
4. Choose the Right Architecture and Design
Search engines want to provide the best experiences for their searchers. That’s why the design and architecture of your website factor into SEO. Even great companies lose value if they fail in these areas.
SEO-friendly design is more intuitive than you might think. If you’ve spent time on the web, you know what works and what doesn’t. You know what formatting is appealing and how navigation can fail.
But you want to get architecture and design right at the start. Launching your site and backpaddling can hurt your bottom line. This is an area where an SEO expert is essential.
5. Participate with the Big Search Engines
You can be proactive when interacting with search engines. Your webmaster can submit your sitemap, for example. Search engines will provide useful information for improving your website as well.
Start by registering your website with them. Even if you don’t submit a sitemap, this is an essential step. Their free reports are valuable when you are just starting your site.
If you have trouble participating with search engines, consult an expert. Get off to a good start. You’ll be counting on them to drive business for you in the long term.
6. Build Engaging and Value-Added Content
As mentioned, value-added content is essential when carrying out SEO for growth. There are several types of content you can leverage. Some are more straightforward than others.
A blog is essential for any modern website. This is where the bulk of your value-added content will reside. You will need to update this content regularly.
Visitors who see old content at the top of your blog will leave. They may even think that you have gone out of business. But a complete absence of a blog is unacceptable.
Reports are a highly useful tool. Your target audience will often start with a search for information. They may look for statistics or data from a recent study.
Reports can be costly to create. But a basic report could draw a lot of traffic. Create a form for visitors to fill out so you can capture valuable leads.
Video provides value to visitors very quickly. Search engines or designed to find video content as well. Make sure your video has value-added content that helps customers.
7. Engage in Link Building
We discussed inbound and outbound links. These are part of a process called link building. Link building is as it sounds, the practice of building links for your website.
A website without links is disconnected from the online universe. You can connect to respected websites with ease. Partner with an expert to determine what links should go where.
Acquiring inbound links can be tricky. If you have valuable and objective content, you have a better chance. But if your website is new, it’s less likely you’ll be acknowledged.
You can take a practical approach to acquiring inbound links. Create a roster of relevant websites from which you’d like to receive traffic. You can reach out to them directly once you’ve built relevant content.
This can be a tedious process. But an SEO expert can help you do this effectively. You’re more likely to succeed with the right content and the right approach.
8. Use Analytics
Once you’re underway, track all progress. Failure to do so means problems go unnoticed. You should always focus on optimizing your website.
Thousands of companies neglect SEO. But it can be a catalyst for tremendous business growth. Don’t miss out on early opportunities to boost your business to success.
Start Getting Customers Now
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by Michael Rubinstein | Jan 28, 2018 | Digital Marketing, SEO
10 Ways SEO and Digital Marketing Boosts Revenue
Your website looks great, and your customer service is unparalleled. Now it’s time to increase your revenue. Here’s how SEO and digital marketing can help.
Are you looking for a way to truly grow your business in 2018?
Every business is hungry for expansion, because expansion means more revenue. With a changing market, however, it can be hard to identify cost-effective ways to boost profit margins and grow your customer base.
This year, you won’t have to bring on an entirely new department in order to rake in the numbers you’re craving.
SEO and digital marketing are the way of the future when it comes to business growth.
Whether or not you’ve dabbled in SEO or other online marketing efforts, we’ve got insight into how these techniques can transform your company, no matter what industry you’re a part of.
Read on for more!
1. Increase Brand Visibility
This is one of the biggest reasons why solid SEO and digital marketing efforts can absolutely transform your business.
The principle is simple. The more visible your brand is to multiple audiences, the greater your chances are for gathering more customers and raking in the revenue.
This is the heart of marketing, no matter where you’re coming from and whom you are trying to reach. Your goal is to get noticed, because that’s the first step in the conversion process.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works exactly from this principle. Simply put, SEO means optimizing your online content in such a way that your web pages, blog posts, and/or social media content will appear at the top of search engine listings.
Think about a typical Google search that you make. What do you type into the search box? What do you look at after you press ‘Enter’?
Chances are, you type a succinct keyword or phrase–such as “digital marketing trends in 2018”–into Google and browse the results that are toward the top of the search listings.
You may click to page 2 of Google’s results, but this would only be if you didn’t find a satisfying answer on the first page.
Businesses realize that the prime digital real estate lies in these higher rankings on page one of search results. The good news is that you can snag that prime real estate and enjoy the subsequent brand visibility by implementing SEO.
Local SEO, which we’ll talk about in point #7, can leverage your brand visibility with local communities and audiences.
The internet is a massive platform, and everyone makes searches of some kind through sites like Google and Bing.
SEO helps you take advantage of this by giving you the highest possible ranking and helping you be digitally seen.
2. Mobile Is the Future
Mobile devices are everywhere, and this will continue to be the case in 2018 and beyond.
People use tablets and cell phones to read the news, search for key information throughout the day, and communicate through apps.
When it comes to making Google searches, more people make these searches using a mobile device than a desktop computer. This means that you’ve got a massive marketplace at your fingertips: the mobile user audience.
SEO and digital marketing harness the full power of this fact.
For one thing, digital marketing can be tailored specifically for mobile users.
You can take your digital marketing game to the next level simply by making sure that your website is optimized for mobile use! This means that anyone can access your site from any device and your online content will adapt to the screen size of the device the visitor is using.
Because over a third of e-newsletter readers access newsletter content through mobile devices, starting up an email campaign can also boost your brand visibility and revenues.
Maybe you launch an app for your company. This alone can take advantage of the fact that most new media consumption is happening through apps.
The good news about all of this is that optimizing your site for mobile use, sending out e-newsletter campaigns, and launching an app are cost-effective digital marketing solutions.
SEO makes your content more visible in search results.
And because most people making searches use mobile devices, a solid SEO and digital marketing strategy means that your brand will be highly visible to consumers 24/7.
3. Leverage Your Website
All SEO and digital marketing efforts have a common origin: your website.
If you just spent a lot of money on transforming your web design, don’t worry–that investment won’t go to waste. By implementing SEO and digital marketing, you’ll be shining the spotlight more brightly on your website.
Your website is a critical component of all marketing efforts. It can determine so many things, most especially your conversion rate and overall revenue.
What’s more, your business website gives visitors a valuable first impression of your brand. It can provide a specific user experience that can nurture leads or send them running.
You can boost revenues simply by wooing a customer with your website and enabling a purchase right then and there!
With such a powerful tool at your fingertips, it’s important to do everything you can to leverage it. SEO and digital marketing can help.
A solid SEO campaign will make sure that all pages on your website are optimized for specific keywords and phrases that people may search for. This includes any blog posts that you may have and any other content out there on the world wide web.
This means that users will have greater access to all of your website content at all times, and not just the home page.
What’s more, you’ll be making sure with your digital marketing efforts that your website is behind every bit of content you promote.
This is essential because your website is the heart of your revenue operations: sending a consumer to your website is equivalent to sending a customer through your brick-and-mortar front doors.
4. Influence Purchase Decisions
SEO can help customers make that decision to actually buy and stay with your brand, directly boosting revenues.
The right SEO campaign will make sure that your brand is highly visible, and visible everywhere.
Digital marketing will supplement this by producing valuable, optimized content through a variety of channels, including social media, radio, T.V., and email.
When customers see a brand everywhere and across many different channels, they’re more likely to view that brand as credible, authoritative, and well-known.
They’ll feel more confident making a purchase from you as a result.
What’s more, SEO is a non-intrusive form of digital marketing. It never directly makes a sales pitch or asks for customers to fork over money.
5. SEO is Cost-Effective
The great beauty of SEO and digital marketing is that both are highly cost-effective for businesses everywhere. Web design, customer service training, and printing services can quickly add up.
But both SEO and digital marketing are, well, digital. While it’s important to rely on experts when implementing either, these services are highly affordable.
What’s more, both are significant investments that always have a high ROI.
SEO can help you get the brand visibility you need at the beginning in order to stay afloat in the future. Digital marketing can help you target new audiences you never thought you’d reach.
Brand visibility and audience reach are valuable results that can directly improve profit margins, at a very little cost to you.
6. Bring in Local Audiences
Local SEO means optimizing your digital content to reach local audiences. This may mean optimizing content for searches like “sustainable clothing store in Montreal” or “candy store nearby.”
Local SEO also ensures that you have multiple local citations through Google My Business, Yelp, and/or TripAdvisor. As a result, whenever someone performs a local search, if your business is in the area it will pop up at the top of search listings.
In this way, SEO can help bring in more local clientele through your doors. This is essential for startups or businesses with an emphatically local presence.
What’s more, you can optimize any other digital marketing efforts for local searches. For example, you can advertise a local event on Facebook and optimize these ads for keyword searches.
More locals means a more powerful reputation within your community. But this also means quite literally higher profits.
7. Make the Most of Content Marketing
Content marketing is the most important form of advertising out there.
This is because consumers are more likely to follow brands that produce intriguing, entertaining, or useful content. They are becoming pickier in a certain way, prioritizing companies that don’t immediately spout sales pitches.
Luckily, SEO and digital marketing will help you make the most of this trend.
A solid digital marketing campaign will identify the type of content that’s popular and where to implement it for the best results.
For example, let’s say you want to make the most of the fact that video is topping the charts of popular media forms. A powerful digital marketing campaign would incorporate video but take it one step further by introducing live video.
Live video doubles the engagement level of viewers. What’s more, video is searchable. Enter SEO.
Keep up with valuable content marketing trends by pursuing SEO and digital marketing efforts.
8. Rope in Social Media
SEO and digital marketing love social media. And guess what? Consumers also love social media.
Digital marketing and SEO help leverage your social media efforts in one go. This is because you can optimize all content you post on social media for specific keywords.
What’s more, launching a digital marketing campaign that brings in social media specifically can target users in a wildly effective way.
Remember what we said about the power of video? You can use Facebook Live to engage with your users face-to-face (literally!), implement SEO, and launch a digital marketing campaign.
All at the same time.
Can we get a round of applause?
It’s not just Facebook that’s a key player here. Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, and LinkedIn can all play the digital marketing game, helping you engage with users and get more conversions.
9. Get More Reviews
When you optimize your digital content for local searches, you give consumers a chance to write reviews about your services or products.
Online reviews are absolutely critical for you as a business. In fact, over eighty percent of consumers will make their choice about a purchase based off of an online review!
It’s important to generate consistent positive reviews from customers in order to grow your business.
There are many ways you can do this with SEO and digital marketing. With digital marketing, you can build a campaign around generating online reviews.
For example, you can launch a social media campaign that gives a special discount or promotion access to everyone who writes a review for your service. Perhaps you’ll enter all reviewers into a raffle.
The result is increased user engagement, a variety of leads, and more reviews! It’s that easy.
The best local SEO campaign will make sure that you have a variety of online citations. People who find your business through Yelp will be more likely to leave a review there if they check you out.
10. Reach New Markets
Lastly, the digital marketplace is expansive, and it’s only going to keep on growing. You maximize your brand reach simply by jumping into this marketplace.
It’s important to jump into this marketplace with strategy and foresight, however. SEO and digital marketing will help you identify the right markets within this global market.
What’s more, they will also help you reach audiences you never thought you’d reach. Local SEO can bring in a fresh local demographic, but global SEO can reach audiences of different mindsets, ages, and needs.
Digital marketing has the same capacity to generate content and technology that can reach new markets.
As a result, you’ll be expanding your reach and profit margins.
SEO and Digital Marketing: Final Thoughts
We are rapidly approaching a fully digital world. It’s important to make the most of this in your effort to boost your revenue.
Take advantage of SEO and digital marketing in order to expand your brand reach, bring in local customers, and leverage your social media channels. Transform your brand visibility for the better with a strategic SEO campaign. Introduce compelling and relevant content in your digital marketing efforts.
At the end of the day, both digital marketing and SEO can drive traffic to your website and help you engage with customers in the right way.
At Tjabo Digital, we don’t just believe in digital marketing and the power of SEO. We believe in pure business growth, and we’re here to help you achieve it through digital means.
Start a conversation with us today to see what we can do for your revenue!